Published Authors
Books I’ve Helped Bring to Life
Welcome to my Book Portfolio
Scroll through a selection of books that I’ve had a hand in designing or self-publishing.
In 2024 alone, I designed and helped self-publish more than 21 books of all kinds of genres and you’ll find all of them below.
Further below, you’ll find additional books that I’ve also helped bring to life in years prior. My goal is to continue adding more of my books and to create dedicated pages for each book to show more, like the interiors as well and list more details about each book. In the meantime enjoy the covers and links to each book’s Amazon page.
2024 Book Designs
Dawn Adams Cole
I worked with Dawn through all parts of the Book Process for her Book “It’s Not the Same for Us” including Cover Design, Interior Layout, Ebook and helping her through the Self-Publishing Process. Her book was published through IngramSpark and KDP. Check out her book out on Amazon here.
Gene Greenberg
Gene and I worked through all parts of the Book Design Process for his Book “No Matter How Far” including Cover Design, Interior Layout, Ebook and helping him through the Self-Publishing Process. Gene’s book was published through IngramSpark and KDP. Check out his book on Amazon.
Jay Knolls
Jay and I worked through all parts of the Book Design and Self-Publishing Process together including Cover Design, Interior Layout, Ebook and self-publishing his book through KDP. Find his book on Amazon here.
Wendy Jones
Wendy and I worked very closely together to create her workbook. I created the Cover Design and Interior Layout for her and helped her through the Self-Publishing Process using Amazon’s KDP. Find her book on Amazon here.
Stephan Kinsella and Jörg Guido Hülsmann
This is the second book that Stephan and I worked on together. I created the cover design, laid out the interior, created the Ebook and helped publish the book through KDP as a paperback and hardcover bound book. Find the book on Amazon here.
Igor Ljubuncic
I designed the Cover for Igor’s paperback and Ebook. As a seasoned author Igor self-published his book by himself to Amazon KDP. Find his book here.
Tony Salles
I teamed up with Jason Roberts who created the absolutely stunning Cover Illustration. Tony and I then completed the full cover design, I laid out the interior and created the Ebook and helped Tony self-publish his book through Amazon KDP. You can find his book here.
Noah Schnaubelt
Noah’s sister painted the gorgeous front cover image and I completed the cover with typography. I also designed the Interior and the Ebook and helped Noah publish his book through KDP and IngramSpark. Find his poetry book here.
Ryann Shumeyko
This is Ryann’s first book. She already had the gorgeous cover design but not the right files yet. I worked with her on the interior layout and made sure her cover files are ready for uploading. Find her book on Amazon here.
Thomas Hinds
This is our second book working together. Thomas provided the cover background image and I finished the cover design with typography to match the look of the first book “Ghost in the River” that we also worked on together. I helped Thomas self-publish his book through KDP and IngramSpark. You can purchase the book here.
Jordyn Fleming
This is Jordyn’s first book. Her friend illustrated the cover image and I added the typography, then worked on the interior layout and helped Jordyn through the self-publishing process. Her book officially releases on January 14th, 2025. Find it here.
Katie Simons McCarty
Katie came to me with a beautiful front cover design and the interior already done and needed help putting the full cover together as well as how to self-publish to Amazon. We also created marketing materials for her book. This is Katie’s first book and it’s already in multiple local bookstores as well as being featured on local news channels. Find her book here.
Laurie Bricker
This is Laurie’s first book and based on her vision, I created this beautiful front cover which features a photograph of her grandmothers actual house. We are currently working on the interior layout and I’ll help Laurie with the self-publishing process to release her book in early 2025.
Jennifer France
Jenn’s Book was already completed finished and on Amazon when we started working together. What did I help with you may wonder? Her files had many issues and she needed someone to clean everything up for a professional look and to have proper files. I made edits to the front cover, reformatted the entire interior of her book, created a new Ebook and helped her update her already published book but now with new files using IngramSpark and KDP. Find her book here.
Alyce Sherman
This is Alyce’s first book and we worked together on all parts of her book. I helped her with the cover design, interior layout, ebook and the self-publishing process using Amazon KDP. You can find her book on Amazon here.
Dr. Justin Rabinowitz
I worked with Justin on all parts of his book, the cover design, interior layout, the ebook and helping him through the self-publishing process using Amazon KDP. While is book is already on Amazon, it’s not officially releasing until February 2025. You can find it here.
Dielle Charon
Dielle and I worked together on the interior layout of her non-fiction book, the Ebook and I helped her through the self-publishing process using Amazon KDP to get her book ready and in hand for an event in April 2024. You can find her book here.
Peter W. Costigan
This is Peter and I’s second book together. Betsy Gold designed the front cover and the beautiful illustrations on the inside. I created the full cover spread, laid out the interior, created the Ebook and helped Peter through the self-publishing process. You can find his books here.
Kate R. Casey
Kate’s book is written and designed for early readers, ages 5-8 years old. Alina Templeton illustrated the cover and all the images on the interior and I helped Kate put it all together, adding typography and helping her through the self-publishing process. This is Kate’s first book and it’s available here.
Patti Anderson
Teaming up with Anna Christiano always creates superb illustrations. She knows how to capture the authors vision. While I led Patti through the book making process and completed the cover and interior files while helping her through the self-publishing process, Anna illustrated every page. Find the book on Amazon here.
Dr. Marvelous I. Udeagha
This is Marv’s first book and another amazing example of Anna Christiano’s work. She illustrated the cover and the interior images while I helped Marv bringing her first book to life, working on the full cover design and the interior together as well as how to self-publish the book. It’s now available here.
The 2025 Social Media Content Planner, in it’s 5th year, is now available on Amazon.
Ready to plan your goals and all of your marketing ideas?
This planner is perfect for business owners, bloggers, entrepreneurs, authors, social media managers, virtual assistants or anyone that likes to plan on paper.
Annual, 242-pages, Social Media Content planner for all of 2023. Plan everything in one place. Click image for direct link to Amazon.
Annual, 136-pages, Social Media PLUS Email Content planner for all of 2023. Plan everything in one place. The difference in page count between the two planners is due to the weekly Email send planner taking up only two pages instead of 4. Click image for direct link to Amazon.
A sweeping nineteenth-century tale taking readers from the Old World to the New, from Prussia to New Orleans to the Illinois Prairie, Sophie poses questions of identity and belonging all of us wrestle with. I worked on the Interior Formatting and created the Ebook.
I Am Goodness was written to ignite a fire in women to tell their stories and walk in their goodness. I worked on the Cover Design, Formatting and helped Catherine through the Self-Publishing process.
Play Along (With Me) by Bob LaRosa. An exciting debut to this popular series—share the fun with friends! Follow our kitten, Stephanie, through an unbelievably hilarious array of never-before-seen adventures. With this in skit form, everyone can participate! Cover Design and Formatting by me. Illustrations by Anna Christiano.
The Soulology Chronicles: Grit is a compilation of twelve people who have shared their riveting, raw, soulful and inspirational life stories. Cover Design, Formatting and Ebook by me, Creative Blueprint Design. Click picture for Amazon Link.
The Savvy Soulpreneur: Namaslay is a compilation of twelve heart-centered entrepreneurs who will enlighten you on how they manifested and slayed their dreams. Cover Design, Formatting and Ebook by me, Creative Blueprint Design. Click image for Amazon link.
Until Heaven Parts Us by Alyssa Patterson. Alyssa openly shares her journey of tragically losing her husband of just 3 weeks and how the Lord’s healing powers carried her through her darkest days. Cover Design and Formatting by me, Creative Blueprint Design.
Ghost of a River, a poetry book, by Thomas Hinds. Poems inspired by Jim Harrison and living in the southwest, dedicated to the authors' daughter. Cover design by me, Creative Blueprint Design. Click the image for the Amazon link.
Weekly Meal Planner. Plan your meals ahead of time, create a grocery list, note your favorite recipes and brainstorm your breakfast, lunch & dinner ideas. Eliminate stress by planning ahead, spend wisely and easily manage any diet.
Grief-Writer: A Journal’ by Dr. Laura Williams is a powerful 2 in 1 self-help tool to aid emotional processing in grief. The journal incorporates Dr Williams’ personal and professional writing and writing prompts to begin your own grief writing practice. Cover Design and Formatting by me, Creative Blueprint Design. Illustrations by Jo Harrison.
Sooty's Big Adventure by Fiona Knox. How an old dog found his new forever home over the sea and far far away.
Through The Eyes Of A Tree — An enchanting, environmental education children's book by Esme Finch. Interior Layout by me, Creative Blueprint Design.
For guidance on high-performance mindset or creating a successful business while strategically planning your daily, weekly and monthly tasks, I can highly recommend Maggie Perotin. Check out her coaching journal: Dream, Plan, Do which is available on Amazon.
Voices. A touching and compelling look into the lives of sixteen people who reveal their soulful, real, and inspirational life stories. Read their stories, and you will see you are not alone. Book Formatting and Back Cover by Creative Blueprint Design
Fine Lines: Walking the Labyrinth of Grief and Loss by Kathy Swaar.
A Line in the Sand: An American's Story of Service and Sacrifice in the Israeli Special Forces by Corey Feldman. Cover Design by me, Creative Blueprint Design.
Soul of a Woman: How to Cultivate Beauty, Power and Purpose Through Understanding Your True Soulful Self by Tina Majerle. Cover Design, Formatting and Ebook by me, Creative Blueprint Design.
Crystal Energy: Understanding and Working with Stones for Clarity and Flow. Get Kyle Russell’s Book by clicking on the picture for all the purchasing options. Interior Formatting by me, Creative Blueprint Design
Design Consultation Calls
Looking for some feedback or a second opinion from a professional graphic designer on any of your projects?
Are you a Graphics DIY-er, a Non-designer or and Entry-level designer looking for some valuable feedback from a seasoned professional on your designs?
Have questions about your cover design or the interior, placement, colors, typography, printing, file formats, stock images that just confuse you and you can’t find a quick and simple answer for them?
I will take the time to be by your side and help with any and all of your design, self-publishing or print questions on the fly.
Book a Call today:
15-min call: Click here.
30-min call: Click here.
60-min call: Click here.
Discovery Call
Book a 15-min Good-Fit Call with me today right here.
Book this quick and easy intro call to learn a little about each other and to see if my design, print and/or publishing services can help your company’s needs. Click here to book the call right now.